Rights and protest (Prescribed Subject) Source Pack

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Source Pack Value and Overview for IBDP History Classroom

These source packs provide an in-depth exploration of significant movements for rights and protests in both the United States and South Africa. They offer primary and secondary sources that highlight the struggles for racial equality, examining key events, figures, and legislative changes. These materials are essential for helping students develop critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze historical sources.

List of Source Packs and One-Line Summaries:

  1. Source Pack #1: Civil Rights Movement in the United States (1954-1965)
    Summation: Students explore the legal and social impacts of landmark events like the Brown vs. Board of Education decision, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and the passage of the Civil Rights Act.
  2. Source Pack #2: Civil Rights Movement in the United States (1954-1965)
    Summation: Learners analyze key moments such as the Little Rock Nine, the Freedom Rides, and Malcolm X’s critique of the nonviolent protest movement.
  3. Source Pack #3: Apartheid South Africa (1948-1964)
    Summation: Students examine apartheid’s implementation, the Sharpeville Massacre, and Nelson Mandela’s role in shifting the anti-apartheid movement from nonviolent protest to armed struggle.
  4. Source Pack #4: Apartheid South Africa (1948-1964)
    Summation: This pack covers pivotal anti-apartheid moments like the Defiance Campaign, the Freedom Charter, and the Rivonia Trial.
  5. Source Pack #5: Apartheid South Africa (1948-1964)
    Summation: Learners evaluate the Group Areas Act, the Bus Boycotts, and the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela and its impact on the global anti-apartheid movement.

These source packs are indispensable resources for fostering a comprehensive understanding of the rights and protest movements in both the United States and South Africa.

