Conflict and intervention (Prescribed Subject) Source Pack

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Source Pack Value and Overview for IBDP History Classroom

These source packs provide a comprehensive examination of key conflicts and international interventions, focusing on the Rwandan Genocide and the Kosovo conflict. Each pack is designed to help students critically engage with the causes, actions, and outcomes of these events. Through a variety of primary and secondary sources, students can explore the complexities of international responses, ethnic tensions, and post-conflict recovery. These packs are essential tools for developing historical analysis and source evaluation skills.

List of Source Packs and One-Line Summaries:

  1. Source Pack #1: Conflict and Intervention: Rwanda (1990-1998)
    Summation: Students analyze the ethnic tensions, media incitement, and the devastating impact of the Rwandan Genocide on the nation's social and economic recovery.
  2. Source Pack #2: Conflict and Intervention: Rwanda (1990-1998)
    Summation: This pack examines the colonial legacy, the role of propaganda, and the international community’s failure to prevent the Rwandan Genocide.
  3. Source Pack #3: Conflict and Intervention: Rwanda (1990-1998)
    Summation: Learners explore the rise of the Hutu Power movement, the UN’s inadequate response, and Rwanda’s post-genocide efforts toward justice and reconciliation.
  4. Source Pack #4: Conflict and Intervention: Kosovo (1989-2002)
    Summation: Students investigate the ethnic tensions, international intervention, and the post-conflict rebuilding efforts in Kosovo following NATO’s military action.
  5. Source Pack #5: Conflict and Intervention: Kosovo (1989-2002)
    Summation: This pack focuses on Slobodan Milosevic’s role in escalating tensions, the Račak massacre, and the political challenges faced during Kosovo’s reconstruction.

These source packs are valuable resources for helping students understand the complexities of conflict and intervention in a global context, fostering a deeper appreciation for the challenges of international diplomacy and post-conflict recovery.

